Our Copenhagen Pride featured on Brazilian Blog!

We are so honored to share our experience at Copenhagen Pride with Brazil’s number one gay travel blog, Viaja Bi! Click here to read all about our fun time! 

Here is a link to the English google translated version for those of you, like us, who can’t speak Portuguese. 


Living Outside the Box

We have been asked by multiple friends, family, and coworkers what we did with all of our stuff. Well…

 Dallas, TX, 2016
Dallas, TX, 2016

A few weeks ago we sold our home and moved most of our possessions into a metal box and now we are living in a hotel with our two dogs and a few possessions. We are quite literally living outside of the box and couldn’t be happier! 

While we had a lot of happy memories in our home, it was not the brick-and-mortar structure that brought us that happiness, rather it was the shared experiences we had while living at that address.

A few years ago we took a spur of the moment road trip across Texas and ended up sleeping in the back of our car. It was a great trip filled with lots of memories, none of which had anything to do with the roof over our head and everything to do with the experiences shared with one another.  

 Copper Breaks State Park, TX, 2014
Copper Breaks State Park, TX, 2014

There is something oddly comforting with not being tied down by a house and all the possessions within. The past few weeks have been liberating. No more spending days doing the mundane chores that come with owning a home, rather, we have had more time to get up and experience the world around us.  

We are two en route for more shared experiences.

Defining our American Dream

After spending the better part of a decade working towards the American Dream we decided to step back and rethink what that really meant to us. Ultimately we decided that taking a no regrets leap out of our comfort zone and into a nomadic backpacking journey across the globe was the right thing for us. Ready. Set. Leap!

 Paris, France, 2012
Paris, France, 2012

We started traveling internationally for run of the mill tourist type sightseeing in 2012 and ended up falling in love with encountering new cultures, cities, ways of life, flavors of food, and everything else in between. Travel to us has becoming about opening our minds to how amazingly huge and diverse this world really is.  Each place we visit changes a little something about what makes us who we are, both individually and as a couple.

Growing up we learned about the previous generation’s definition of the American Dream.  Picket fences, ambrosia salad at the neighborhood potluck, and two and a half children are just a few things that come to mind. For us though, the American Dream has become one with fewer pickets in the fence and lot more wanderlust in the heart, fewer marshmallows in the ambrosia salad and a lot more culinary experiences on the street-side, and the same two and a half children in our home just a few more years down the road.

We are two en route to achieve our American Dream.